I’m New | Frequently Asked Questions
Anytime you start something new, you may have many questions! With that in mind and to help you get started and understand how we function as a church, we have put together our most frequently asked questions below. While it is not an exhaustive list, it gets you started. If you have any additional questions or comments, please email us anytime and we would be happy to respond.
What is the mission of Souls Church? To see people become fully devoted and engaged followers of Jesus Christ!
How do you fulfill the mission of Souls Church? We exist to help people: Encounter God, Find Community, Discovery Freedom and Fulfill Your Mission! Click here to watch a message about our vision and four key focuses!
How do I join this church? Your first step is to attend our membership class offered each semester called “Lunch On Us!” Click here to register for the upcoming class.
What are the values of Souls Church? Our six values guide our mission and they are: evangelistic, engaging, excellence, equipping, expanding, and excited. Click here to view them in detail!
What are the various leadership roles at Souls Church? Our leadership team consists of five primary roles: our Lead Pastors, Overseers (guidance and advice), Elders (pastoral care team) Lead Team (operational), and Trustees (financial). Click here to see who is part of our entire Leadership Team.
What is the role of an ‘Overseer’ at Souls Church? Our Overseers play a key role in providing direction, protection, accountability, wisdom, guidance and prayer to our Lead Pastors. In other words, they are a “Pastor to the Lead Pastors” and provide a healthy, ‘check and balance’ system. The team of Overseers know and love the Souls Church family and are ordained ministers in good standing that lead other respected congregations.
What is the role of an ‘Elder’ at Souls Church? Our Elders provide pastoral care and are an extension of our Lead Pastors’ hearts and vision. These individuals are selected by our Lead Pastors and provide pastoral care and encouragement to those in need!
What is the role of a ‘Trustee’ at Souls Church? Our Trustees provide financial wisdom, insight, and direction at Souls Church. Some churches refer to them in the biblical term of deacons. As a check and balance to our system, our Lead Pastors are involved in the Trustees meetings, but do not have a vote on any major financial decisions.
How is the budget set for Souls Church and who handles the money? All financial decisions and budget planning is conducted by the Board of Trustees (deacons). Trustees handle the major financial affairs of our church, and plan the annual budget based on 90% of the previous years giving/income. At the end of every calendar year, the church published a “Annual Year End Report” to share how their giving made a difference. Click here to review the most recent report.
What is the Dream Team? The Dream Team are our volunteers, those who serve on various teams through their gifts, skills and passions to make a difference for God. Click here to learn more about our Dream Teams at Souls Church.

Do you have an app? Yes we do – and it is amazing! Click here to download it now!

How can I get to know people at Souls Church? There are few easy ways to get to know people and make friends and find community. Here are the top three: attend the weekend services as much as possible; join a life group; jump into serving on a Dream Team!

Why should I join a life group? Every person has a name, needs to be known and their story needs to be shared. For us that happens best in life groups (our version of small groups). While there are a variety of groups, topics and options – each group has a goal to help you grow closer to others and deeper and more mature in your faith! Check out our online “Groups & Events” directory!
If I was baptized as an infant or in another church, should I get baptized again? Your infant baptism was certainly a very special moment for your family. Once you personally come to an age where you can decide for yourself to follow Christ, believer’s baptism is the next step. Don’t be afraid to get re-baptized as an act of worship and obedience to Christ.
Do you do baby baptisms or water baptisms for kids? We do not do baby or infant baptisms as some churches do as we firmly believe that water baptism is a biblical step you take after you have personally made a decision to follow Christ. So with that said, if a child is interested in being water baptized, we encourage the parent to go through this kids water baptism checklist, and go from there! We do offer “Baby Dedications” every semester for any parent with kids under age 5.

Who do I contact if I need prayer or support? If you are going through a difficult time, there are several ways to reach out for prayer – whether directly during our weekend services, on a prayer card, in a life group or you can click here for prayer anytime! Our prayer team would be happy to stand with you!
How do you serve the community? We conduct Serve Days on the last Saturday every month. These serve days focus on helping those in our congregation as well as those in our direct community experience the love of Jesus! Click here to learn more about our Serve Days.

Do you hold church business meetings every year? Currently, we do not hold “church business meetings” for the entire church to attend. However, our Board of Trustees do meet to review, discuss and make financial decision 2-3 times a year; and our Lead Team and Elders meet monthly to discuss leadership and operational decisions for the church. Major decisions are communicated on our various communication platforms (email, website and social media) and all financial reports are shared on our website through the annual year end report. Our structure and bylaws (legal rules) do not accommodate for church business meetings for our attendees, and based on our experience – the average church attendee is not interested in a church business meeting.
How do you define a member at Souls Church? We encourage everyone to be involve through our weekend services, connecting with other believers through life groups, serving on a dream team and giving. We really don’t use the term member much, honestly because we don’t want anyone to just join us for a “membership” – we encourage those who attend here to take “ownership” and commit to being plugged in by being fully engaged in their faith! When you take ownership, come as often as you can and get plugged in, we truly believe you are going to encounter God, find community, discover freedom and fulfill your purpose.
Do you believe in tithing? Yes! God is generous and so he calls us to be as well. What we do with what God has given us shows us where our hearts are at and helps advance the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances. Tithing is giving God the first 10%, and your offering is anything over and above.
Are you partnered with anyone as a church? Yes! Even though Souls Church is a contemporary, non-denominational church – we are partnered with ARC (Association of Related Churches), HNI (Harvest Network International) and the GROW Network! Together, we do accomplish so much more!
Do you have anything for students? Yes we do! We want to see this next generation fully engaged in their walk with Christ. Check out what is happening for our middle and high-school students!

What are some next steps for me to take at Souls Church? Check them out here!
Do you have other questions we can answer? Please let us know!
How do you fulfill the mission of Souls Church? We exist to help people: Encounter God, Find Community, Discovery Freedom and Fulfill Your Mission! Click here to watch a message about our vision and four key focuses!
How do I join this church? Your first step is to attend our membership class offered each semester called “Lunch On Us!” Click here to register for the upcoming class.
What are the values of Souls Church? Our six values guide our mission and they are: evangelistic, engaging, excellence, equipping, expanding, and excited. Click here to view them in detail!
What are the various leadership roles at Souls Church? Our leadership team consists of five primary roles: our Lead Pastors, Overseers (guidance and advice), Elders (pastoral care team) Lead Team (operational), and Trustees (financial). Click here to see who is part of our entire Leadership Team.
What is the role of an ‘Overseer’ at Souls Church? Our Overseers play a key role in providing direction, protection, accountability, wisdom, guidance and prayer to our Lead Pastors. In other words, they are a “Pastor to the Lead Pastors” and provide a healthy, ‘check and balance’ system. The team of Overseers know and love the Souls Church family and are ordained ministers in good standing that lead other respected congregations.
What is the role of an ‘Elder’ at Souls Church? Our Elders provide pastoral care and are an extension of our Lead Pastors’ hearts and vision. These individuals are selected by our Lead Pastors and provide pastoral care and encouragement to those in need!
What is the role of a ‘Trustee’ at Souls Church? Our Trustees provide financial wisdom, insight, and direction at Souls Church. Some churches refer to them in the biblical term of deacons. As a check and balance to our system, our Lead Pastors are involved in the Trustees meetings, but do not have a vote on any major financial decisions.
How is the budget set for Souls Church and who handles the money? All financial decisions and budget planning is conducted by the Board of Trustees (deacons). Trustees handle the major financial affairs of our church, and plan the annual budget based on 90% of the previous years giving/income. At the end of every calendar year, the church published a “Annual Year End Report” to share how their giving made a difference. Click here to review the most recent report.
What is the Dream Team? The Dream Team are our volunteers, those who serve on various teams through their gifts, skills and passions to make a difference for God. Click here to learn more about our Dream Teams at Souls Church.

Do you have an app? Yes we do – and it is amazing! Click here to download it now!

How can I get to know people at Souls Church? There are few easy ways to get to know people and make friends and find community. Here are the top three: attend the weekend services as much as possible; join a life group; jump into serving on a Dream Team!

Why should I join a life group? Every person has a name, needs to be known and their story needs to be shared. For us that happens best in life groups (our version of small groups). While there are a variety of groups, topics and options – each group has a goal to help you grow closer to others and deeper and more mature in your faith! Check out our online “Groups & Events” directory!
If I was baptized as an infant or in another church, should I get baptized again? Your infant baptism was certainly a very special moment for your family. Once you personally come to an age where you can decide for yourself to follow Christ, believer’s baptism is the next step. Don’t be afraid to get re-baptized as an act of worship and obedience to Christ.
Do you do baby baptisms or water baptisms for kids? We do not do baby or infant baptisms as some churches do as we firmly believe that water baptism is a biblical step you take after you have personally made a decision to follow Christ. So with that said, if a child is interested in being water baptized, we encourage the parent to go through this kids water baptism checklist, and go from there! We do offer “Baby Dedications” every semester for any parent with kids under age 5.

Who do I contact if I need prayer or support? If you are going through a difficult time, there are several ways to reach out for prayer – whether directly during our weekend services, on a prayer card, in a life group or you can click here for prayer anytime! Our prayer team would be happy to stand with you!
How do you serve the community? We conduct Serve Days on the last Saturday every month. These serve days focus on helping those in our congregation as well as those in our direct community experience the love of Jesus! Click here to learn more about our Serve Days.

Do you hold church business meetings every year? Currently, we do not hold “church business meetings” for the entire church to attend. However, our Board of Trustees do meet to review, discuss and make financial decision 2-3 times a year; and our Lead Team and Elders meet monthly to discuss leadership and operational decisions for the church. Major decisions are communicated on our various communication platforms (email, website and social media) and all financial reports are shared on our website through the annual year end report. Our structure and bylaws (legal rules) do not accommodate for church business meetings for our attendees, and based on our experience – the average church attendee is not interested in a church business meeting.
How do you define a member at Souls Church? We encourage everyone to be involve through our weekend services, connecting with other believers through life groups, serving on a dream team and giving. We really don’t use the term member much, honestly because we don’t want anyone to just join us for a “membership” – we encourage those who attend here to take “ownership” and commit to being plugged in by being fully engaged in their faith! When you take ownership, come as often as you can and get plugged in, we truly believe you are going to encounter God, find community, discover freedom and fulfill your purpose.
Do you believe in tithing? Yes! God is generous and so he calls us to be as well. What we do with what God has given us shows us where our hearts are at and helps advance the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances. Tithing is giving God the first 10%, and your offering is anything over and above.
Are you partnered with anyone as a church? Yes! Even though Souls Church is a contemporary, non-denominational church – we are partnered with ARC (Association of Related Churches), HNI (Harvest Network International) and the GROW Network! Together, we do accomplish so much more!
Do you have anything for students? Yes we do! We want to see this next generation fully engaged in their walk with Christ. Check out what is happening for our middle and high-school students!

What are some next steps for me to take at Souls Church? Check them out here!
Do you have other questions we can answer? Please let us know!