Every church has a story.
Our story to launch “Souls Church” is unique. Ours is one that has had several different chapters over the years and begins with steps of obedience, staying the course, and now has lead us to be a life-giving church, an oasis for people in crisis, because every soul matters.

This local church...
...began its construction in 1978 and went through many changes over it’s nearly 40 year history. People from diverse backgrounds have encountered God in a deep and meaningful way. Little did we know, God had much in store for this local church located on Highway 95, north of the Twin Cities.
With much excitement and passion...
Dennis and Dana Calhoun stepped up to pastor after a very difficult season for this church in 2010. They started dreaming about a place that people could encounter God, find community to discover freedom and fulfill their mission. They began to build relationships with other local pastors and began to pray about the direction God had for the future of this church.

Then in 2014...
...after much prayer, communication, reshaping our brand and our focus, we opened our doors as Souls Church for the first time on September 21, 2014 to 187 people. 12 people made decisions for Christ on opening day! We see people make commitments for Christ every weekend and God is doing amazing things!
We hope to see you here very soon as our story continues!
"Our mission is to create fully engaged followers of Jesus Christ."
- Dennis & Dana Calhoun, Lead Pastors
"The local church is the hope of the world."
"It's my absolute favorite place to go!"
- Carter Babb
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9:00 am in person or online.