This new Life Group curriculum was written for you by our friends at Church of the Highlands and is for those of you who’ve recently begun your relationship with Jesus or simply want a fresh start in your faith.
Fresh Start is a 10-week video teaching series online, on-demand with discussion designed to give everyone an encouraging place to discover who God is and what having a relationship with Jesus means for your life. This group will help you build your foundation of faith and move forward in your purpose as a believer. We will have a Fresh Start group leader to connect with you to help answer questions as you grow and pray with you as you set out on this exciting journey of faith in Jesus Christ!
Fresh Start is a 10-week video teaching series online, on-demand with discussion designed to give everyone an encouraging place to discover who God is and what having a relationship with Jesus means for your life. This group will help you build your foundation of faith and move forward in your purpose as a believer. We will have a Fresh Start group leader to connect with you to help answer questions as you grow and pray with you as you set out on this exciting journey of faith in Jesus Christ!
This study works in two parts. The first five weeks focus on equipping the group with answers to some of the questions that form the foundation of a vibrant walk with God. The second half builds on those truths to give us direction for moving forward to walk out our purpose as believers. Each week in both sections is built around a 15-18 minute video teaching that sets the group up for a valuable time of discussion.
Watch The Videos
Part 1: What We Need To Know
Week 4:
Who Is The Holy Spirit?
Part 2: What We Need To Do
Week 9:
Why We Give
Week 10:
Making The Most Of Life
Again, thank you for checking out this page! If you are new to the Christian faith, or just need a Fresh Start in your relationship with God—you are not alone. Join with other believers to grow and experience true life change together. It’s time for your Fresh Start.